Friday, February 03, 2006

A Tribute To My Friend "T"

Since my longtime friend and soul sista "T" AKA Tanneal was really the inspiration for this blog I wanted to recognize her with a special blog honour!

T, if it weren't for our "long-distance" friendship and the fact that I miss you and Dag's like crazy...! I would've never sat in front of the computer this long to figure out the world of blogdome! I hope that sharing pics and postings will shorten the rather Canadian kilometres between Cambridge, Ontario and Sylvan Lake, Alberta....!


Lots of Love,



At 9:12 PM, Blogger the Haazens :) said...

Thank you, thank you...I am T, that is me=) I am cool, my son drools. You are my Soul Sis and I send a big Kiss=) Byeyee!

At 12:57 AM, Blogger kelle said...

Hey Cyndi! Found your blog through T's. So, I thought I would check it out. Cool blog...I like to ya later!


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