Saturday, January 06, 2007

Post Christmas Cheer

Santa Tony ( Holy Tony in Spanish?! )

I simply could not resist posting a few pics of Santa:) Hope everybody's Christmas was great. Every year T-bone makes a debut for both families as The Claus. This year though, my niece was on to him!


At 11:08 PM, Blogger the Haazens :) said...

I love that Tony dresses up like Santa every's so, well, it's so Tone-tone.

I wish we could have seen you guys and celebrated together for this holiday too (but I'll take Thankgiving if that's all I can get...and I wish that could be every year too!)

Love you guys.

At 8:34 AM, Blogger ZimZen said...

Amen Sista!! Thought of you LOTS during the holiday :) Maybe someday we ARE gonna have a Christmas together.

Love You Guys Too

T & C


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