Stephen's Many Faces

I thought to myself, maybe it was just a bad day... or maybe his photographer felt that the under eye circles from the plane ride back from Israel were just too obvious! At any rate, his carefully applied lipstick here DOES add something to his character! I'm just not sure that 'Prime Minister of Drag' was what he was shooting for...? You be the judge. Steven Harper, Clinique's next model, or Steven Harper, posterboy for the softer side of Sears...
Ironically, you'll notice the article titled, "Face to Face with the PM." I'm just not sure which face I like more! My advice Stephen, "stay out of your wife's make-up kit! Just trust me on that."
Cyndi, that picture is somewhat distrubing. You would think the photographer would've done a better job at hiding the fact that Stephen Harper is wearing make-up. Yep, just another "side" of our Prime Minister.
No kidding! He's got pretty lips though don't you think? :)
You fools! The man in the picture is an imposter!
That's very scary!
But none can convince me that Stephen Harper is bad after I opened our first $100 dollar cheque just for having a kid!!!!
Thanks Stephen (or should I say Stephan??). Whatever you are, just keep the money comin!
Stephen - Stephan - or, as "George W" would call him "Steve" ... the choice is yours!
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