Icelandic Ontario

I don't know if you can see it as well as I'd hoped, but this pic is a tribute to our Ontario ice storms and their aftermath. School children province-wide cheered as even the salt trucks were unable to gain traction on our slick, ice glazed roads to clear a path for their school buses.
After 12 hours of freezing rain (rain that's half frozen) the entire world looks like something out of the Pre-Aslan era in The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe. Then the sun comes out and it's as if you are living in a glass menagerie. Frightful to walk the sidewalks I might add, but beautiful nonetheless! The best and most memorable moment to this picturesque icy wonderland was viewing our dog, from the comfort of our front window attempting to piddle on the hill! She kept sliding her bum around, confused as to why the pee just all ran downhill underneath her. Thank you Zoe for ruining the beauty of the moment by turning the frozen fantasy land into a river of yellow. Ewww!!! Word to the wise: Avoid yellow rivers at all costs...
That's so pretty (except the yellow river image!) Do you guys get hoarfrost? It makes the trees glitter...very beUtiful!
Well a terrible word!! Hoarfrost. Maybe we are talking about the same thing?? Hmmm, not sure.
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