Friday, September 22, 2006

Niagara Nerds

Monday, August 28, 2006

For my long ago (feels like it) 30th birthday extravaganza, Toner treated me to 2 nights and 2 days in The Falls. We were guests at the lucky Ramada Hotel, and helped ourselves I might add to as many free shampoos and soaps as our suitcase could hold! A weekend to remember!

Here they are, some pics as requested (teehee T) in no particular order...

We're Backkk!

At long last we are indeed still ALIVE!!! We have survived a move AGAIN of a vast distance of 500 metres. I was known as the 'baglady' on campus with a grocery cart in hand and a scowl on my face as I trucked it back and forth between the girl's residence and the men's residence.

For those of you who don't know... I live with 40 men. No, I'm not a polygamist, but I do have to be fully dressed with make-up on to just make trips to the laundry room! T-bone and I live on campus at Heritage College & Seminary as R.S.S.'s (yes, say that aloud quickly!:) Residence Support Staff. This basically means that when the guitar playing or wrestling matches get too loud upstairs we just simply turn off our hearing aids and shout, "quiet back there!" So far so good :)

My sincerest condolences for our lack of posts, but you see we were internetless for over a month, not to mention void of service from our dreaded nemesis Bell Canada. Booo!!! Just the mere mention of that company causes a rush of adrenaline, and the fear of Terrets Syndrome in me!

Anyway, to all four of my fellow Blogger Buddies, "it's nice to be back..." Hopefully for a long time period now! To be cont'd....