Wary Watchdog
As you've probably already concluded, our dog is a BIG, FAT, SPOILED BABY!! We can't help it, she's just so cute sometimes:) I think some of the time she thinks she rules the roost around here, but not quite! I couldn't resist posting this lil video of her waiting for Tony to come back. He had just left the apartment to start the car for work, and she will often pop in the window to see where he's gone. Zo-Zo the faithful watchdog, ever vigilant, never silent!
ok, that is too cute! she is a faithful little watch dog=)
Cute hey? I'm afraid we're (TONY &I) are indeed smitten.
she's too cute...and a great bark! love it!
what a faithful watchdog! You must feel safe with her around, hey? ;)
Okay, I will admit that she is cute! That's alot coming from me - I've never been a fan of the canine family! Our small group is full of people with dogs and my experience has been less than stellar: one dog peed on me; another was so large that it loomed over the baby gate placed in the kitchen to keep it contained; Erlene, the stinky basset hound (man, is she smelly!); and finally Carson. Actually, I can't say anything bad about Carson. She is so old that I can't be scared of her. She is probably the only dog I have ever liked. Go, Carson!
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