Biker Babe Returns

Spring has officially sprung, the robins are back, the geese are returning, and everywhere you look on a warm day, the hogs are out...vrrroooomm.
It's been nearly five years since I sold my beloved Yamaha Virago, and every spring I go through the grief again of letting go the past, and mourning the fact that I am no longer..."a biker." My husband, greatly alarmed at this burning desire I still carry to once again "ride off into the sunset," suggested lovingly that I might consider an alternative... He suggested we purchase a, oh, I can hardly utter the word! A MOPED!! Screaming along the streets at a hot 55km/hr. Tony feels I would be safer and far less likely to "meet my maker" as it were on one of these excuses for a bike. I beg to differ! Although, you have to admit for a moped, (a word cursed by bikers) it does have some of the low rider charm. The seat actually lifts up to reveal the lil mini gas tank, and a glove compartment for your dainties.. I dunno. Still feels like an insult or a slap in the face. Talk about downsizing! I say asking a former biker to consider a glorified scooter is like wanting a Starbucks caramel macchiato, but instead settling for a Tim Horton's decaf. Both are coffee, both are hot, but one will put a smile on your face where the other will leave you wanting more. Sure a moped will still be like riding a bike, and the chances of the occasional grasshopper smacking me between the eyes at those slow speeds are nil, but it's still a huge compromise. One I'm just not willing to make. It's like chocolate. Why would I settle for a Caramilk when I can have a Lindor? I think I'll hold out for someday in the distant future when I will have my bike, a real bike, not a bicycle! If I pass one of those lame mopeds on the road I'll just smile politely as I lean on the throttle and aim for the nearest mud puddle...:)
No Compromise! I'm so excited that Biker Babe is back!
On the other hand, Tony has some valid points...
I hate to say this, but being in my thirties has come back to bite me in the behind!
Besides, the moped does look pretty cool!
Some of my fondest memories are of those spent on a 2-seater moped - racing from one end of the island of Bermuda to the other, wind whipping thru my hair - throwing caution to the wind, so to speak - at a breakneck speed of probably 25 mph (maybe faster downhill!). Try it - you might like it!! And you just might live to see another birthday :)
ok, i'm smiling at that last comment cuz i totally know who that is...mopeds are the coolest thing going in sylvan lake for the under 16 crowd...if you drive by the highschool, you will see about 12 of them parked in a neat litte row. but i'm not really sure i can picture you on one...although the one in the pic is pretty cool
have you considered a vespa?
That was AAAWWWsome. I can't wait to laugh with you in FOUR DAYS!!! Did you realize it was FOUR DAYS away?! Come on down, but maybe not on your Moped=) Tee hee...I can just picture Tony trying to convince you!
I say stick with the Starbucks!!
Long live the Viagra...I mean the..wait, what was it called again?
Oh ya the Virago! Why can't I ever get that straight?!
HaHaHaHa! Ha! SMOOGA!! I can't belive I'm coming IN 4 DAYS!! AHHH! So much to do. See you soon:) Yayyy!
Have you considered a sleek black convertible as an alternative to the moped? I distinctly remember having a fabulous time driving around in one of those with you... but you can bet I will never sit my rather large butt down on the back of a moped with you. Although I will agree with all the other comments... the picture does look pretty cool.
TARA!!! So good to hear from you! Hee!Hee! I'm visiting Tanneal right now, and she and Daggers just informed me that you are livin it up with 3 kids (holy cow!)in none other than Saskatchewan. Whoah! I also recall that lame but cool Mustang rental of years past. What a way to travel!:)
I knew when I met you that you were a girl after my own heart. I have ALWAYS wanted a motor bike. I used to ride motor bikes on the back roads with my Dad when I was a teen. Dad pushed me to get my bike license, my Mom tried to deter me. I never got it and have kicked myself ever since. My husband does not understand this desire, and doesn't really like bikes himself. When my family asked him if he would actually let me ride one, he said, much to my surprise, "Well, might as well let her die with a smile on her face!!" Hey, maybe you two should move to Sylvan, and we can both get a bike!!! Waaaahooooo, what fun that would be!!
biker babe, when are you returning?
Hey hon. Well, I'm married to a biker!! He has a Kawasaki Z1R 1000 1978. It's a rare but fast bike. Apparently covetted by other bikers. He's had many offers for trades. He rides back and forth to work. And often when it's nice and he isn't so tired from working he'll itch till he gets to ride with the wind. And Then Talk about a happy man!! He comes home refreshed and elated. It's quite amusing. He is trying to stir the desire in me. I I I don't know. Maybe one day.
ok so I just wrote about my hubby's bike yesturday. Well, PTL he is ok. The bike needs some work. He Crashed it. It's that time of year. a few days later he was in the hospital with burns to 70% of his face. He was in the hospital last year and the year before that for his birthday. Guess what is just a few days away.
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