Saturday, November 11, 2006

To Be or Not to Be...Bearded that is

Now, I'm wondering if ya'll (4 of you that look at our blog) can help me out...

After a long and critical struggle, I have in fact managed to convince my husband that he should join the ranks of facially furried friends and grow a goatee. I like spelling it that way, it's baaaad grammar (groan.) Anyhoo, now that we have both reached the summit of 30 and are heading off into the sunset together, I figured what better way than to celebrate this milestone in both our lives then by growing facial hair! Alas, I fell out of the race, (thanks to epil-lady!) but T-bone as you can see is growin strong. What I want to know is the percentage of our blog viewers that side with Keep the Goat, and the group that say, Free that Baaaad Boy! I mean come on! Let's separate the sheep from the goats. Where do you stand?