Biker Babe Returns

Spring has officially sprung, the robins are back, the geese are returning, and everywhere you look on a warm day, the hogs are out...vrrroooomm.
It's been nearly five years since I sold my beloved Yamaha Virago, and every spring I go through the grief again of letting go the past, and mourning the fact that I am no longer..."a biker." My husband, greatly alarmed at this burning desire I still carry to once again "ride off into the sunset," suggested lovingly that I might consider an alternative... He suggested we purchase a, oh, I can hardly utter the word! A MOPED!! Screaming along the streets at a hot 55km/hr. Tony feels I would be safer and far less likely to "meet my maker" as it were on one of these excuses for a bike. I beg to differ! Although, you have to admit for a moped, (a word cursed by bikers) it does have some of the low rider charm. The seat actually lifts up to reveal the lil mini gas tank, and a glove compartment for your dainties.. I dunno. Still feels like an insult or a slap in the face. Talk about downsizing! I say asking a former biker to consider a glorified scooter is like wanting a Starbucks caramel macchiato, but instead settling for a Tim Horton's decaf. Both are coffee, both are hot, but one will put a smile on your face where the other will leave you wanting more. Sure a moped will still be like riding a bike, and the chances of the occasional grasshopper smacking me between the eyes at those slow speeds are nil, but it's still a huge compromise. One I'm just not willing to make. It's like chocolate. Why would I settle for a Caramilk when I can have a Lindor? I think I'll hold out for someday in the distant future when I will have my bike, a real bike, not a bicycle! If I pass one of those lame mopeds on the road I'll just smile politely as I lean on the throttle and aim for the nearest mud puddle...:)