Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hide and Seek Hounds

How Cute is this? Zo-Zo the wonderdog loves to "hide" under the curtains. She's invisible to everyone but herself...:)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sauble Saints

Heh! Thought I would never post again did ya? Well... maybe you were right in part. The jury's still out on the facebook thing, but I must say it's easier in some ways...

This post is to pay tribute to our weekend away on the May 24 holiday. We managed to get away for a few days to visit Tony's stellar aunt and uncle who live outside Sauble Beach, Ontario of course. It was a fab fam time.

Aunt Ruth and Uncle Lee are two very cool cats that do missions work every year in Zambia, yay! We got to hear some war stories (literally) from their recent trip over, as well as to sample A-Ruth's fine cookin. Deelish!

Before leaving we also worked in a jaunt in the canoe (one of my favorite childhood memories...) Nothing makes me feel more like an Ontarian than when I'm drifting on a northern (Muskoka preferred) lake and catch the lilting call of a loon a mile or so off in the distance. In this case, the loon was replaced by Tony and the call was his voice telling me to "paddle!" Ew well you get the idea. It was a great vaca and next month we hope to go up again :) Hooray for awesome family, and free getaways!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I Dun't Get It!!!

Now no offense to you avid Facebookers, but I don't get it. I thought I'd give it a trial run, y'know see if I dug it... but I gotta say, I DON'T! I get the whole "reconnect with old friends etc." thing but there are some people that I don't wish to connect with! It's somewhat disconcerting to be sent a friends request by somebody I apparently went to high school with, but don't have the faintest idea who they are!! I also feel bad. I mean what are you supposed to do, reject the persons' request and make them feel brutally rebuffed? On the flip side, I like the privacy features and the way you can control what people see....but it's not without fault. Do people really need to see every time I modify my profile, or what groups I've joined? Whose with me on this one? Maybe I value privacy too much. Maybe I'm just a suspicious and inconspicuous person. I dunno. All I know is that since I joined I experience an odd tense feeling when I see that 10 people I haven't seen nor thought of since I was six are requesting my friendship. If you ask me, the word "friendship" on Facebook is used a little too loosely...
This commentary was brought to you by,
Facebook Fanny

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Biker Babe Returns

Now before you get excited...no, I don't own this..YET...
Spring has officially sprung, the robins are back, the geese are returning, and everywhere you look on a warm day, the hogs are out...vrrroooomm.
It's been nearly five years since I sold my beloved Yamaha Virago, and every spring I go through the grief again of letting go the past, and mourning the fact that I am no longer..."a biker." My husband, greatly alarmed at this burning desire I still carry to once again "ride off into the sunset," suggested lovingly that I might consider an alternative... He suggested we purchase a, oh, I can hardly utter the word! A MOPED!! Screaming along the streets at a hot 55km/hr. Tony feels I would be safer and far less likely to "meet my maker" as it were on one of these excuses for a bike. I beg to differ! Although, you have to admit for a moped, (a word cursed by bikers) it does have some of the low rider charm. The seat actually lifts up to reveal the lil mini gas tank, and a glove compartment for your dainties.. I dunno. Still feels like an insult or a slap in the face. Talk about downsizing! I say asking a former biker to consider a glorified scooter is like wanting a Starbucks caramel macchiato, but instead settling for a Tim Horton's decaf. Both are coffee, both are hot, but one will put a smile on your face where the other will leave you wanting more. Sure a moped will still be like riding a bike, and the chances of the occasional grasshopper smacking me between the eyes at those slow speeds are nil, but it's still a huge compromise. One I'm just not willing to make. It's like chocolate. Why would I settle for a Caramilk when I can have a Lindor? I think I'll hold out for someday in the distant future when I will have my bike, a real bike, not a bicycle! If I pass one of those lame mopeds on the road I'll just smile politely as I lean on the throttle and aim for the nearest mud puddle...:)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Wary Watchdog

As you've probably already concluded, our dog is a BIG, FAT, SPOILED BABY!! We can't help it, she's just so cute sometimes:) I think some of the time she thinks she rules the roost around here, but not quite! I couldn't resist posting this lil video of her waiting for Tony to come back. He had just left the apartment to start the car for work, and she will often pop in the window to see where he's gone. Zo-Zo the faithful watchdog, ever vigilant, never silent!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Icelandic Ontario

I don't know if you can see it as well as I'd hoped, but this pic is a tribute to our Ontario ice storms and their aftermath. School children province-wide cheered as even the salt trucks were unable to gain traction on our slick, ice glazed roads to clear a path for their school buses.

After 12 hours of freezing rain (rain that's half frozen) the entire world looks like something out of the Pre-Aslan era in The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe. Then the sun comes out and it's as if you are living in a glass menagerie. Frightful to walk the sidewalks I might add, but beautiful nonetheless! The best and most memorable moment to this picturesque icy wonderland was viewing our dog, from the comfort of our front window attempting to piddle on the hill! She kept sliding her bum around, confused as to why the pee just all ran downhill underneath her. Thank you Zoe for ruining the beauty of the moment by turning the frozen fantasy land into a river of yellow. Ewww!!! Word to the wise: Avoid yellow rivers at all costs...

Friday, March 09, 2007

Farting Preacher 5

Here He is again:) Enjoy!