Friday, February 10, 2006

Confessions Of A Blocked Blogger...

Y'know, there's nothing more frustrating than turning on your computer in the morning, snuggled up in a warm robe, and hugging a hot cup of coffee... only to be rudely insulted by the "this page cannot be found" screen flashing in front of you. They even make it a pasty white colour as if to indicate a flash flu epidemic making the computer too sick to actually perform it's expected task...

Or perhaps it's really the shortcomings of living on a Bible College campus where they "hire" (in the loosed of terms!) students to "fix" (in the broadest sense of the word!) problems that aren't really there! I'm not sure if I should be thanking or spanking some of these young punks that have fiddled with our computers mumbling, "uhhh, I don't actually know what I'm doing..." as they condemn you to another month's worth of hair pulling and frustrating phone calls to absent "Bible college computer tech guys."


Maybe I should just assume it as a ministry? Reflect the love and patience of Christ to my younger neighbors by smiling through gritted teeth and offering them a cup of hot coffee...


At 5:46 PM, Blogger the Haazens :) said...

WORD! I too find out the true depth of my patience when the computer (or other such electronic devices) refuse to obey my commands! Dag nabit...or better yet...MOTHER OF PEARL. (p.s. if I ever have a daughter, remind me to name her pearl!) LOVE YA...T=0

At 6:08 PM, Blogger kelle said...

Nothing is more frustrating than that! Computers are supposed to make our lives easier right? So, they should do exactly what we ask of them?!


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