Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Confessions of a Spooner

My dog spoons with me.
I know, it's sick, but also very sweet. That is if the mood strikes everybody involved right!
The other morning while fast asleep I heard the thundering footsteps of what could only be a 25 lb. shepherd/lab with the motive of love! Some pets would stealthily creep into the room so as not to be discovered and exiled, but not Zoe. In a moment of sheer elation upon seeing me curled there under the covers, she sprung in the air like a graceful ballerina and belly-flopped on my face. It gave new meaning to the word: DOGPILE!!
As I sputtered and tried to call for help with a mouthful of fur in her four-legged embrace she suddenly stopped, as if to realize she had infact attained pooch paradise by being in a "no-no zone," she dropped dead as a horse on the edge of the bed! She proceeded to "spoon me" for a half-hour growling menacingly at Tony every time she suspected he was trying to remove her from her rightful place!
And so begins the age of spooning in our home. However, I'm a little concerned for when our dog approaches the 60 lb. mark!
Buuuttt! I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

"Hung In There"

In anticipation of a new season of American Idol beginning next week, I thought I'd encourage all you music lovers with a "hanging" by none other than the beloved William Hung. She Bangs indeed!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Heritage's All-Star?

When the weather gets bad, although lately that means rain! Y'know to water the very green January grass! Anyhoo, when the weather is "bad" Zoe and I head for the gym on campus. Zo-Zo loves it because she's free as a bird and loves chasing after basketballs. She freaks me out when she growls like a maniac. Seriously, I have a large chunk of my leg missing from her razor like teeth! She's rather territorial when it comes to basketball. Good defense, good defense!Thankfully we've started obedience classes. While all the other dogs ran into the center of the room to "socialize," our bravehearted black bomb jumped into the nearest lap of a dog owner. Great! Zoe, you are a dog, I repeat....DOG!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Kitty Zoe

Dog or Cat? You decide...

Post Christmas Cheer

Santa Tony ( Holy Tony in Spanish?! )

I simply could not resist posting a few pics of Santa:) Hope everybody's Christmas was great. Every year T-bone makes a debut for both families as The Claus. This year though, my niece was on to him!