Sunday, April 09, 2006

Pooped Plants

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A Sad view of my "indoor garden." Please, no crying!


At 2:10 AM, Blogger ZimZen said...

T, here's a real look at part of our office, the non-messy side!

Yay! For dropshots!

At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My goodness, you were up late last night! So was I, but that is an entirely different story...thanks for the chat yesterday

At 9:49 PM, Blogger ZimZen said...

Pay no attention to the time posted my dastardly daggers... I screwed up the time thingy a while back when setting the zone. What? We don't live in the Artic?

Hee! Hee!

At 11:23 AM, Blogger ZimZen said...

AHah!! All is going accordingly to my dastardly plan!! The idea is to leave you curious for more!!!.....

What's coming next? The bathroom perhaps...

Stay Tuned..

At 11:23 AM, Blogger ZimZen said...

AHah!! All is going accordingly to my dastardly plan!! The idea is to leave you curious for more!!!.....

What's coming next? The bathroom perhaps...

Stay Tuned..

At 11:23 AM, Blogger ZimZen said...

AHah!! All is going accordingly to my dastardly plan!! The idea is to leave you curious for more!!!.....

What's coming next? The bathroom perhaps...

Stay Tuned..

At 12:46 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Somebody take off that broken record!

At 2:45 PM, Blogger kelle said...

Ditto Dags!
Anywho, Cyndi, I completely sympathize with the plant problem...I HAVE trouble keeping them alive...maybe it's because my roommates cat likes to chew the flowers off them...hmmm...
What to do? Thanks for sharing the video of your office and your "pooped plants". Maybe try moving them to a different area...they could be just bored. LOL

At 3:32 AM, Blogger the Haazens :) said...

I love you, I'm back and I love you. Did I mention I love you...and I love your office! And I love you. How's that for a broken record? Smoochies, T=)

(and I'm back, did I mention, I'm back?) Love you, I'm back, back. Ya.

At 7:33 PM, Blogger ZimZen said...

Record, broken, record, broken, record, broken....

Ummm Yeah!! Hey, in case ya'll were wondering, our internet is down at the College. Crappers, my dastardly plans have been foiled to post more precious video footage... stay tuned...

Love that you're back T! Did I mention that I love that you're back? :)


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