A Gardener's Grief

I'm on a quest. Not for the holy grail, but for something far more important...
The ultimate, long-living houseplant.
The honest truth: I kill houseplants. There, I said it. It's not something easy to admit when you've tried as hard as I have. I've come to the point where I'm tired of denying it, making excuses, and laughing nervously when people wonder aloud when the last time was it had water.
The shame is unbearable. Having worked in greenhouses and feeling that I should have the knowledge to make things stay "green," I"ve come to the end of the road...
This plant, like so many others is on it's way out, Help!! Any suggestions for my peril? Or am I sending this pompous palm on it's way to an early grave?
Wonderful idea Nelly! Only, I don't want to admit defeat! Never!!! The sun thing is an issue, I'm sure Roberta is not getting enough..
Question: Is it wierd to name plants?
Uhh, yeah, it is weird...I toil away trying to make a plan live longer, but find that when I finally throw it our, I just feel so much better--it's freeing! Have you tried using Brita water instead of tap water? Adding a little fertilizer? Do you talk to Roberta?
Ok, I know your post is about the plant, but...IS THAT A LITTLE GLIMPSE OF YOUR APARTMENT?? Please send more pics of where you live! I like the little corner with the cds. Can I see more? And, about the plant, next time buy a suculant (sp?) they are hardy desert plants like cactus's and need very little attention, which is what I tend to give my plants. Don't water them for a month and they still LIVE! T=)
Hmmm, I sure had a lot of spelling mistakes above. Very unlike me. Now I'm self-conscious. Is a jade plant a succulent, T? I bought one a year or two ago, and eventually all the leaves just kind of dropped off until there was just a stick of a stem left. My african violets are doing well, I think my window lets in just the right amount of sun. Now I sound like an old spinster who talks to her plants and cats all day...
A jade is a succulent. Mine's leaves haven't fallen off yet, but it sure doesn't grow much cause I always forget to water it! Dags you could never be 'old' cause your the same age as me, and you could never be a 'spinster' cause you don't wear your hair in a tight bun or have glasses at the end of a pointy nose. Besides, your too much of a hotty to be a spinster (and don't you forget it!) T.
I think the real reason if truth be told for Roberta's slow death is really TONY... He's been ever so lovingly overwatering her when I'm not there, and the poor girl was drenched a few times...
I've even used fertilizer a few times, but to no avail, sigh. I just don't want to give up in defeat yet and become a cactus collector! I do however have 2 African violets that have bloomed a couple of times. I'm glad there's no Plant Aid, like there is Children's Aid, or I'd be in serious trouble!!
I am very much liking your plant story. I am liking to meet this beautiful plant; why you do not put this plant outside once in a while when it is being warm out? Thank you, come again!
Dear Apu:
Brilliant idea!! I think however, I will wait until the snow stops falling.
Thank you, come again.
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