Friday, March 17, 2006


Well, today's the day! Not only is it a special holiday.... where many Irish folk drink green beer, yell loudly, and wear green...but it's also, da, da, da, daaaa!!

Tanneal Haazen's Birthday!!!! Yay!!!

This is cause for a great celebration and rejoicing as Tanneal is now the legal drinking age...

T, we lift our glasses to you!


T, on your very special day today I hope you have a barrel of "monkeys, er I mean laughs" with the family. Gid is so lucky to have such a young looking mother!

Since we couldn't be there to cut the cake for you, Tony and I are celebrating for you here, down at our local Dairy Queen. They treat you right!

You are a dairy "Queen" T! Eat a big slice on your special day!
Tony & Cyndi


At 3:50 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

T, T, she's our girl,
I'm so glad her name's not Earl!

Happy Birthday, T!

At 5:48 PM, Blogger the Haazens :) said...

AWW! Thanks Guys! I feel so special. Did you all wear green today? Hope so or your going to get pinched! I'm gunna go drink a green beer not.

Love ya...T

At 12:12 AM, Blogger ZimZen said...

I'm wearing green alright... not saying what, but I'm wearin it!

Luck of the Irish!


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