The 2 "P's"

The lady on the right in royal blue, is someone I work with ALOT. Katie and I have been working together for the past 2 1/2 years. She wanted me to take these pics of her speaking at a meeting in Brampton at the Community Living day program facility. The lady on the left (Laura Lutzi) is head of Christian Horizons excursions. She took Katie, along with several other clients on a trip to Orlando, Florida last year. She invited Katie and I to come and help her with her presentation on supported vacations, something new for Brampton Community Living. Katie was explaining at this part about how meeting Mickey Mouse was really her lifelong dream! She cracked up laughing right after I took the picture. She is a very interesting lady!!!
I can hardly believe that I started out in developmental services 3 years ago! Time flies and sometimes God's plans for us appear to be a complete "derailment" of our own. Glory!! (that was said like a Baptist preacher...) Anyway! It's taught me alot about patience and dealing with my own issues, which in comparison to our clients often appear to be on a different level. For instance, my biggest concern isn't getting this month's bus pass!
Hmmm the two "P's" Patience, and Persistence. I often lecture Katie about those things, but the biggest struggle is really in myself... It's hard to wait for God when I cannot predict the future or even see around the corner, DOH!
Katie is so cute! Cyndi, I have often thought that it takes a special person to beable to do the job your good thing you're so SPECIAL! God has given you the biggest heart, and I'm so glad that I get to be one of the ones loved by it! It makes me so happy to see your pictures and hear your 'everyday' thoughts. The phone is so good cause we get to catch up once in awhile, but sometimes the day-to-day stuff is missed. Thanks for being you and I am sending big kisses and BL Hugs for a very, VERY happy Valentines Day! LoVe, T-ster.
Oh yea, I forgot to say that your last statement about the 2 "P"s really applying to you, well, as you know...parellel tracks for me too! SS
And I must say that I am also struggling in this area of the 2 "P's". But you girls know that I've always struggled with my "p-ness"...
Ha! Ha! Har, Har! Dags, you know that there's nothing rude about the Meyers Briggs personality inventory...
For the love of...
Sigh. I will never live it down. I might as well become a "J". It's safer...
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