Trevor's Tribute

I love Japanes

We did have a good time though, and I loved the food :)

One of the things I appreciate the most about my brother, is his sense of humour. Even when talking about something difficult, he breaks up laughing. What a guy! It must be the "Irish" in both of us!
There is sooo much I could say... However, it would not nearly convey how proud I am of my "little brother," you really just have to know him. He is the loving husband of my gorgeous sister in-law, Isa, and the proud Papa of two cool kids, Dahlia and Joey. Trev is a hard worker, and a deeply committed man to Christ. He is an awesome father, a good provider, and apparently a well-appreciated employee (as I saw today!)
I guess I wanted to write this blog as an "embarrassing" (sorry bro!) tribute to him. Hanging out today brought back many memories, (notice the great bathing suits above!) of a childhood that just wouldn't have been right without a smaller guy to look out for.
Here's to all those long bike-rides, puppet shows, wrestlemania's, toboggan runs, computer gaming, not so friendly fighting... good times bro!

Love You Always, Sis
Alright... thanks for making me cry Sis! Anyone have a kleenex?
Love the I look buff or what? Thanks for the kind words...but now lets tell them about the brother who cut the hair off your dolls and ate all of the goodies for Grandma and Grandpa's 50th and then tried to blame you :-) ---sorry about that. What good times we had. Love you lots and can't wait to do lunch again. Tell T-Bone I love him a brother.
Hey, I thought I called it first that I had the best brother! Oh well, I guess their both "best brothers"! That's funny that he blamed you for eating the goodies at the anniversary party...I was usually the one blaming my brother for those sorts of things. Ha! Mooooommmmmm!
What a beautiful tribute to your "little" bro! Sounds like he is quite the guy! Now, since I have never had any brothers I don't know what it was like, however, little sisters are very cool to have too. Love ya Cyndi!!
AWWW! I remember some of those matter what you say you guys are SO cute in those little bathing suits! YaY for awesome 'little-yet-bigger-than-us-now' bros!
By the way...good job on the photo placement! Looks like you are gettin' the hang of it=) Your a blogger, you blog.
Thank yoouuuu, thank you very much :) I'm a blogger, I blog now! Hee! Hee!
I tried to take Trev's pic at the restaurant, but he kept closing his eyes, doh!
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