Carb Courting Cont'd

The date started out great with this blueberry gift from heaven still crumbling from my mouth! We made our way down to Niagara on the Lake (remember Dags?) and I might add... froze our butts off walking or rather running from shop to shop to warm up. Sorry, no pics of this as the camera in a freak incident adhered itself to my eye in the sub-zero degree temperatures. And yes, it did leave a mark!
The coolest part was stopping halfway through our visit in an authentic Irish cafe, where we sipped a hot beverage, and yes you guessed it... shared a muffin! Well, ok. Actually it was a large oatmeal cookie, but still. TREATS!! CARBS! Whatever!
As we listened to the gentle lilt of celtic music, and gazed upon the various Irish proverbs written in their unique calligraphy... I felt proud to be 2/3 rds Irish! I may still purchase a kilt, but only if it has muffins in the tartan!
Who invented muffins anyway?
Cyndi, you look SO CUTE! I love your hair! I was totally imagining you guys on your little Irish Cafe date=) I LOVE hearing your day-to-day stuff! YEA!
As an aside, I have started reading Job again. Amazing how experience can shed new light on a passage. My favorite verse right now is 13:15. I'll let you read it (or maybe your Job prof made you guys memorize the whole book?!) Word, love ya SS, Parellel Tracks, T.
T, how cool! I have the same verse, as well as the one after underlined! I like it in the NLT (the translation my brainy prof did, Word.) I love that we can "argue" with God and still be in His presence.
Love Parallel, Choo Choo!
Great hair, Cyndi! You would be so proud of me--I went and had my hair coloured at the salon yesterday. I now have 3 colours in my hair: Chocolate brown, red, and caramel. Hooray for impulse salon trips!
Ok, this may sound really silly, but I just clicked on your picture (to see ya up close) and noticed your wedding rings! Then I had a quick moment of 'oh my gosh' cause I don't think I ever remember seeing the actual ring/s! Isn't that's like the twilight zone or something. Great witness I was, standing up in your wedding and not even remembering the rings! Zombie T.
You did get married right?
Mother of Pearl!
I think T's losing it...
Thank you for buying my muffins
I love Tony
" For the love of all that's sacred!!!!! Stop commenting!!"
I'm entirely kidding :)
The bizarre thing about the hair is that it was rather a rough day for pain, so I actually did nothing to it. Maybe the stress of married life with Copper-Tone is creating more curl... hmmm. That's my new nickname for him by the way, "Copper-Tone."
Dags, words cannot describe my pride in your new sexy debut as a chocolate hair model....
MMMMMMMmmmmm Chocooolate...
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