Maple Momments
Okay, so last Saturday Tony and I left for the wild blue yonder of the Montsberg Maple Syrup Festival. For all of you unfamiliar with Ontario and its maple monopoly (well, besides Quebec!) Every year around springtime, we Ontarians leave the comfort of our warm homes to trek into the bush and participate in one of the greatest wonders of the world....THE MAKING OF MAPLE SYRUP!

Here we can see Tony effortlessly ordering up the infamous LUMBERJACK PLATTER. I think my exact words here were, "Oh my WORD!!!"
Just in case anyone was wondering, the LUMBERJACK is for those with larger appetites, (Tony) and includes 8 gigantic pancakes and 8 sausages! Good Lord! Unfortunately, I seem to be missing the next picture of us opening our pants!
There was also a cool assortment of big horses! We took a wagon ride at the end of the day in order to see how the early settlers harvested the maple sap. I felt like a sap snapping so many photos!
Here's an interesting Ontario fact: it takes 40 litres of maple sap to get 1 litre of maple syrup. Hmmmm! If you look closely here, you can see T-bone and the horse having a "special momment." No nibbling!
It was a fun, cold day... I think we both came home guilty of having sampled one too many maple sugar candies (thought of ya T!) Let's hear it for the Lumberjack Zimms!!
Oh my Word! I remember in grade school going to one of those places (I think we went every year!). Nothing like freshly made maple syrup! Yum!! Glad you guys had a great time.
How very 'Ontario'...makes me want to come for a visit=) My maple leaves you brought me that one time are fading a bit from all the harsh Alberta winters, but still a good reminder of you and your province. I've gotten more compliments on those leaves, like you wouldn't believe. One of these days I am going to get around to making that Maple Leaf quilt from the pattern you bought me too! Love it, LOVE it! Oh ya, and those maple leaf candies...ya those are all gone=( A little on the sweet side even for me, but I managed to make fairly short work of them!
Tone-Tone, you look right at home with those horses. Maybe you should get a horse and buggy and start living menno will save you guys even more $ to save up for a down-payment. I am just trying to picture it, you guys riding down the QEW (I still rememeber the speedometer at 150 plus clicks! Yikes!)
Alright, so totally off topic...I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW LONG YOUR HAIR IS! I don't think I have EVER seen it that long before. I can't wait to see it (and you) in person...just a few short spring months and July will be here! YAY! Yippee-ty-yi-yi-OOOO!
Sorry, I didn't realize what an essay I was writing!
Maybe I should start a blog like Dags did in which I feature my hair....da, da, da, daaaa! It has some red streaks in it...
Remind me next fall to press up some more leaves for ya T! The guy giving part of the tour blurb said that they can also get syrup out of birch trees too. Only it takes twice as much sap.
Ewww! Please pass the birch syrup for my pancakes.
Hmmm...matching toques?
Tony, allow me to nibble on your ear!
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