The "Sadie" Saga Continues...
This past Tuesday while working with my client "Sadie" bringing groceries into her apartment,

By this time the 'bee' was successful terminated and as I calmly scooped it up in a dustpan, "Sadie" began backing away, a look of raw terror on her face. "Don't show me that thing! Don't come closer! Cyndi, I'm very afraid of bees!" It didn't seem to make a difference to her that it was a hornet! She became hysterical as I approached her, dustpan in hand to dispose of the 'bee' in the garbage can. At this point Sadie was jumping up in down, frantically waving her arms, tears streaming down her face, she yelled, "CYNDI, NO! I'M A BEE-A-PHOBE, I'M A BEE-A-PHOBE!!!

A new term that I wasn't aware of! Note to self: watch out for Sadie's bee phobia...