Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Saturday, August 26, 2006
The Best Man's Debut..

August 26, 2006 marked the day for a number of momentous events in our lives. The first being my 30th birthday (more posts to follow, when I get free time!) The other event was Tony's brothers' wedding. Here are some snaps from the day.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Stephen's Many Faces

Now, I don't know about the rest of you... but I found this picture of our Prime Minister somewhat unsettling the other day when I noticed the make-up he's wearing! Evidently Steve here felt that he would be more appealing to the public if he "painted up" a little and showed his softer side? The most troubling part is the lip liner for me. I can get past the rouge and even the delicately applied mascara, but not the lips! It's just wrong for the leader of our country and a good ole C&MA guy I might add, to 'dress up' this way.
I thought to myself, maybe it was just a bad day... or maybe his photographer felt that the under eye circles from the plane ride back from Israel were just too obvious! At any rate, his carefully applied lipstick here DOES add something to his character! I'm just not sure that 'Prime Minister of Drag' was what he was shooting for...? You be the judge. Steven Harper, Clinique's next model, or Steven Harper, posterboy for the softer side of Sears...
Ironically, you'll notice the article titled, "Face to Face with the PM." I'm just not sure which face I like more! My advice Stephen, "stay out of your wife's make-up kit! Just trust me on that."

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Father Knows Best

Dad's are such characters sometimes. I suppose this is a tribute to my father in-law, Tony's dad. He's better known to all of us as "Papa Zimms" (a nickname I unknowingly gave him shortly after we married that somehow just stuck:)

The one topic Tony and his dad can gab for hours about is CARS. Their relationship is a very special one, cherished on both sides. Recently for Tone's 30th birthday, two week celebration, blow-out bash, etc... we made our way to Dearborn, Michigan where Tony and his Pops ritualistically attend the annual Ford swap meet and car show. I bravely wavered the storm from the comfort of the Comfort Inn with my mother in-law, while the MEN browsed among the car parts like gleeful schoolboys. "Papa Zimms" made quite an impression on the crowd sporting his new fun-lovin hat, what a man! Not just anyone can pull off the umbrella look, if ya know what I'm sayin! The guys came back later that day wide-eyed, and feverishly excited as they had talked to some of the " ford part dealers around." If you say so! That being said, the "Car Connection" is something very special between my hubby and his dad, and I for one think that it's pretty cool. It is really heart warming to see both of their eyes light up when discussing a recently purchased set of brake pads!

"Papa Zimms," here's to you and Tony: Forever Ford men that love cars and each other. Thanks for raising an awesome man I will always love, respect, and continually depend upon to find the cheapest fuel prices around:)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Parallel Tracks

I have a dear friend that always comments that both of our lives run on parallel tracks. I think that this is such a special gift to have a friend that travels with you through different seasons of life. No matter what my "track" seems to encounter, she never fails to reveal that her "track" is carrying along on a similar line...

I love living in Hespeler, (north Cambridge) it is so tranquil in the dusk, and everywhere you look signs say, "village on the water." The parallel tracks run everywhere, and gave a much needed momment of reflection on a special friendship. Here's to you T! I thought of you when I snapped the pics, and when I used the watercolour setting:)

Choo, Choo!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Super Tone

Wait! It's a bird, it's a plane... no, it's SuperTone!
Uncle Tony saved the day with his super human powers by showing everybody at our birthday party how to "really fly" on a Superman slip 'n slide... Well done Tony, once again you have saved the world from destruction and peril!

"Hey Joe! You're about to loose your supersuit!"

"Thanks Aunty! I'm up and away!"

Friday, August 04, 2006

Horror on Holiday...

A few nights ago while enjoying a leisurely swim in our local Holiday Inn pool a disaster occurred. A disaster of such magnitude that it's difficult to find words to express the impression it made on the general public of the pool that fateful night...

There in the middle of a tranquil night, whilst Tony and I calmly floated in the aqua refreshment of "our pool" lay something so horrible that the children's' screams from the deck caused our bones to chill...

Without a shadow of a doubt, it was in fact POO! Some child with bowels of evidently jello had "let loose" without warning and softly, yet gently laid to rest a "gift" for the rest of us that fateful night. Mr. Hanky was released back into the wild, er rather the suburbs!

At first the poolside murmurs were low, until one insightful mother shrieked the words never to be forgotten,"everybody out! There's poo in the pool!" With deft and steady hands the bravehearted mom scooped the specimen, and with horrified onlookers screaming, "out, everybody out!!" She flung Mr. Hanky with enough force to impress even a major league ball player during his best inning! It was done. The poo lay forlorn in the grass alongside the pool as terrified parents scuttled their children to safety.

I often wonder what became of Mr. Hanky that night... my only hope is that an extra observant poolside attendant found him before a certain riding mower undoubtedly would! The experience changed me forever, and definitely created new meaning for me when I hear the expression, "I'm just dropping the kids off at the pool..."

So long Mr. Hanky, I don't think you'll be missed!