Swimming With Seniors: The Continuing Story....

This week when I arrived at the pool, I was hurriedly met on deck by my new friend Gary, AKA Mr. 1950's swimtrunks... Gary was seriously disturbed this morning by a gaggle of teenagers who had taken over the pool and joined in on our class. He grumbled that they shouldn't be in here and clapped with relief when they straggled out of the pool partway through the routine. I guess those senior swimstrokes were more than their tiny frames could manage. The best momment of the class was glancing over at a fellow member, a senior lady much like the one in the above picture, and noticing the horrified look on her face. During the routine she had failed to notice that the gaggle of teenage bikini's had completely surrounded her. She looked scared! Arms churning, she quickly tried to swim for the side, but the girls all laughing and bouncing just moved in tighter. I almost expected her to shriek, "HELP!" Mercifully, the sea of Old Navy bikini clad sailorettes parted and let her through! I have never seen a person look so panicked! Major generational clash, whoah! I felt within myself rise an inexplicable urge to yell, "Senior Power!!" Just as a way of encouraging her to stay strong, after all it was the seniors that rocked the pool and stuck with the whole workout, not the young punks! Power to the Seniors!