Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Amazing Adventures of MetalMan

A while back a dear friend of our, DAGGERS! Sent us the coolest comicbook ever....The Adventures of Zimmerman....

Now, without further ado... I give to you..

MetalMan, fighter of all heating injustices... With his quickwork, quick-thinking, quick-welding, he was able to defeat once again Pilotpooper, the evil flame killer, and sworn archenemy of MetalMan. Pilotpooper's only aim is to bring subzero degree temperatures to all warm Canadian homes. Once again MetalMan was able to deflect Pilotpooper's evil plot to snuff out pilot lights accross the nation. Our hero restored homes once again to fast, efficient heating ducts to maintain temperatures. Hooray MetalMan!

Stay tuned for more adventures with this amazing coldbuster MetalMan... "To inferno and beyond!!!"


At 4:00 PM, Blogger the Haazens :) said...

It's a bird, it's a it's MetalMan! Hooray!

Yay for Tone-tone and tin-bangers keep us warm in the winter and cool in the summer. What balance you bring to our lives=)

Cool pics by the way...John and I made one like that once when we were teaching Jr. Church. It was a close up of our faces and we let the kids color away. They were a little freaked out I think, and one of them colored me purple. A little too creative kids...come on, get with the program!

Well, I'm off to get my, do, do DO!


At 5:55 PM, Blogger ZimZen said...

Nice! I had fun with fiddling with the photo enhancer stuff. Did Dag's ever show you the comic she sent us? It was so hilarious!

P.S. I'm wearing my cape..


At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha Ha! Metal Man is no match for the powers of Deranged Daggers, the psychotic butter-knife wielding mad-woman who steals candy from children to put in her own candy dish.I plan on ruling the world by defeating Metal Man on a cold, windy day. Keep one eye open--I know where you live (Holiday Inn Drive) and I'm not above taking your wife as a hostage (because she really needs to come for a visit). To infinity and beyond!

At 9:29 PM, Blogger ZimZen said...

Now what if MetalMan's wife, "Furnace Fanny" decides that she is quite parital to this idea of an alleged "kidnapping?" She will bring her own candydish (made of sheetmetal) and visit the tin-bangers convention in rural Alberta.

Hah? Hah?

At 11:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Furnace Fanny;
When shall I pick you up? Your chariot awaits m'lady. Why no, I don't have a butter knife in my purse....

At 8:03 AM, Blogger ZimZen said...

Oh Deranged Daggers! You can't fool me! I know that underneath that scary smile lies a gentle-hearted children's pastor...:)

Alas, the kidnapping was foiled for now due to extreme airfare prices!

Word. Up and Away...


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