Carb Courting Cont'd

The date started out great with this blueberry gift from heaven still crumbling from my mouth! We made our way down to Niagara on the Lake (remember Dags?) and I might add... froze our butts off walking or rather running from shop to shop to warm up. Sorry, no pics of this as the camera in a freak incident adhered itself to my eye in the sub-zero degree temperatures. And yes, it did leave a mark!
The coolest part was stopping halfway through our visit in an authentic Irish cafe, where we sipped a hot beverage, and yes you guessed it... shared a muffin! Well, ok. Actually it was a large oatmeal cookie, but still. TREATS!! CARBS! Whatever!
As we listened to the gentle lilt of celtic music, and gazed upon the various Irish proverbs written in their unique calligraphy... I felt proud to be 2/3 rds Irish! I may still purchase a kilt, but only if it has muffins in the tartan!
Who invented muffins anyway?