Monday, February 27, 2006

Carb Courting Cont'd

The date started out great with this blueberry gift from heaven still crumbling from my mouth! We made our way down to Niagara on the Lake (remember Dags?) and I might add... froze our butts off walking or rather running from shop to shop to warm up. Sorry, no pics of this as the camera in a freak incident adhered itself to my eye in the sub-zero degree temperatures. And yes, it did leave a mark!

The coolest part was stopping halfway through our visit in an authentic Irish cafe, where we sipped a hot beverage, and yes you guessed it... shared a muffin! Well, ok. Actually it was a large oatmeal cookie, but still. TREATS!! CARBS! Whatever!

As we listened to the gentle lilt of celtic music, and gazed upon the various Irish proverbs written in their unique calligraphy... I felt proud to be 2/3 rds Irish! I may still purchase a kilt, but only if it has muffins in the tartan!

Who invented muffins anyway?

Carb Courting

A week ago Saturday, T-bone (the coolest hubby in the world!) took me on a muffin date. Right now, as a carb counter... one of my most favourite foods in the world is, (drum roll please!) MUFFINS!! Here Tony is sporting a fresh, warm, chocolatey, luscious Tim Horton's creation. Uh-huh, Uh-huh!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The 2 "P's"

The lady on the right in royal blue, is someone I work with ALOT. Katie and I have been working together for the past 2 1/2 years. She wanted me to take these pics of her speaking at a meeting in Brampton at the Community Living day program facility. The lady on the left (Laura Lutzi) is head of Christian Horizons excursions. She took Katie, along with several other clients on a trip to Orlando, Florida last year. She invited Katie and I to come and help her with her presentation on supported vacations, something new for Brampton Community Living. Katie was explaining at this part about how meeting Mickey Mouse was really her lifelong dream! She cracked up laughing right after I took the picture. She is a very interesting lady!!!

I can hardly believe that I started out in developmental services 3 years ago! Time flies and sometimes God's plans for us appear to be a complete "derailment" of our own. Glory!! (that was said like a Baptist preacher...) Anyway! It's taught me alot about patience and dealing with my own issues, which in comparison to our clients often appear to be on a different level. For instance, my biggest concern isn't getting this month's bus pass!

Hmmm the two "P's" Patience, and Persistence. I often lecture Katie about those things, but the biggest struggle is really in myself... It's hard to wait for God when I cannot predict the future or even see around the corner, DOH!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Confessions Of A Blocked Blogger...

Y'know, there's nothing more frustrating than turning on your computer in the morning, snuggled up in a warm robe, and hugging a hot cup of coffee... only to be rudely insulted by the "this page cannot be found" screen flashing in front of you. They even make it a pasty white colour as if to indicate a flash flu epidemic making the computer too sick to actually perform it's expected task...

Or perhaps it's really the shortcomings of living on a Bible College campus where they "hire" (in the loosed of terms!) students to "fix" (in the broadest sense of the word!) problems that aren't really there! I'm not sure if I should be thanking or spanking some of these young punks that have fiddled with our computers mumbling, "uhhh, I don't actually know what I'm doing..." as they condemn you to another month's worth of hair pulling and frustrating phone calls to absent "Bible college computer tech guys."


Maybe I should just assume it as a ministry? Reflect the love and patience of Christ to my younger neighbors by smiling through gritted teeth and offering them a cup of hot coffee...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Grandma & Gramps

February 5, 1998 my grandpa went home to be with Jesus. Today is a day filled with special memories of the lives of both my grandparents and their amazing influence on me. Harold and Grace James were extraordinary people, they loved God and all of their grandchildren strongly! I guess I really went to CBC to pursue missions because of their huge heart for missions and ministry with international students. They prayed for me daily, sometimes multiple times according to grandma! Grandpa told the best stories about life as missionaries in Zambia, Africa. He was fearless, and always enjoyed telling the scariest "snake stories!"

I know that they are watching closely over me and the family, and when we meet up again on the "other side," the teapot will most definately be ON.

Words cannot convey how special and dear these two "GRAND-parents" were to me. Gram and Gramps, today you are close to my heart.

Love Always,


Hello Santa!!

So Tony would probably KILL me if he knew this was shared with ya'll fellow bloggers.


Christmas 2005 Tony always does it up right with a little visit from Santa. This past year I explored the idea of possibly joining him in wearing his extra Santa beard... however, upon reflection I decided not to traumatize the young children present in the room.

Ho! Ho! Hee?

At first glance my little cousin of 5 years yelled, "no!!"

Friday, February 03, 2006

A Tribute To My Friend "T"

Since my longtime friend and soul sista "T" AKA Tanneal was really the inspiration for this blog I wanted to recognize her with a special blog honour!

T, if it weren't for our "long-distance" friendship and the fact that I miss you and Dag's like crazy...! I would've never sat in front of the computer this long to figure out the world of blogdome! I hope that sharing pics and postings will shorten the rather Canadian kilometres between Cambridge, Ontario and Sylvan Lake, Alberta....!


Lots of Love,



Needless to say after the "butterfly entourage" and the heat of an indoor tropical paradise... hubby looked stoned!

T-Bone Rules!!!

During a visit to the butterfly conservatory last week, where we took our wedding photos, a lil friend landed on Tony...
It was like one of those wierd horror movies where they cue the scary music! As I called his name, his head turned slowly revealing a huge butterfly. "Don't move!!"

I'm not sure if this particular butterfly was drawn to the NIKE symbol, or if T-bone is just so attractive that they can't stay away! The entire time we were there they flocked to him, hmmmm...